April 03, 2003
It's late & I'm tired

Well, I checked in planning to write about how I can hardly stand to read the reports of the war on Iraq. I read a report earlier this evening which I cannot find now (I'm not sure that it was publicly linkable anyway) about the last letters home from some of the soldiers who had been killed, the letters often arriving after the families had been told about the deaths of their sons. I couldn't even read the whole article because it was just too painful.

However, upon checking my blog I found that Chris had left be another comment, this time in my Faith & Religion" section. So I wound up spending time writing up an answer to that. I actually do spend a lot of time thinking about God and theological issues, I just haven't been recording my thoughts lately. I'll try to do better (yeah, right!).

Posted by JoKeR at April 03, 2003 01:28 AM | TrackBack