April 20, 2003
Blog the Job Search?

Well, I haven't posted much of anything lately. Truth to tell, I've been a bit down. I've actually had some of the best news yet in my job search. I had an interview this past Tuesday and I have another interview for a different position on this coming Tuesday. Considering these are the first interviews I've had since I was laid off more than two months ago, this is big news.

But what should I write about while I'm in my job search. After all, the people with whom I'm applying have my email address. Anyone who knows anything about the Internet might guess that if I have an email address at riviere.ws then it is possible that the URL www.riviere.ws might well have something to do with me. And clearly, working in the computer industry, anyone I'm interviewing with is at least aware of the Internet and is likely to have a great deal of familiarity with how it works.

So back to the question: What do I blog about during a time when I am in a job search? Do I wax poetic about the wonderful institution with whom I am interviewing? In other words, do I try to schmooze my way into the good graces of my potential bosses on the assumption that they will check it out as they consider me? Do I express the anxiety I am feeling as I consider advantages and disadvantages of different positions? Do I discuss whether I am considering therapy to help me cope with the depression brought on by being unemployed? I can certainly see that it would be a bad idea to post derogatory comments about potential employers since, as I said, they might see it.

I think it is safe to say that I have been practicing my guitar some lately. I'm still not good at it, but I am building up callouses on my finger tips again.

It had better be safe for me to say "He is risen! Halleluah!" Today of all days, especially. While I don't do heavy handed evangelism at work, I don't know that I could work comfortably someplace where I was not allowed to acknowledge that I am a Christian (or struggling to be one, anyway).

Well, I'm not any closer to answering my question, but if I don't hurry and wrap this up, it won't even be Easter when I post it.

Posted by JoKeR at April 20, 2003 11:55 PM | TrackBack