August 21, 2005
Clean once, entertain twice

After making significant efforts to clean up the house and the yard this past week, we hosted two different gatherings on Saturday.

First we invited all local members of both my extended family and my wife's extended family. (By local I mean close enough to be within local calling area, which in Atlanta covers a lot of ground.) Usually when we celebrate family events we've gone to another relative's house, where they, of course do not invite the rest of our other family. This was perhaps the first time since our wedding that we had both sides of the family together.

The impetus for this gathering was my daughter. We were celebrating her imminent birthday as well as wishing bon voyage as she prepares for a year in Germany as a Fulbright scholar.

While not everyone could make it, we hosted one of the biggest crowds we've ever entertained. It seemed to be a good time for all.

After a bit of cleaning and food preparations we had two couples over for dinner. One of the couples we know from church. The other through my wife's work. The baby son of one couple entertained us all. With lots of shared intersts among the group (all presbyterians, many librarians and computer professionals, etc.) we had interesting conversation and good fellowship through the evening.

Now we'll try to keep the house somewhat organized so that the next time we decide to entertain it won't be so much effort.

Posted by JoKeR at August 21, 2005 06:20 PM | TrackBack