December 07, 2005
Snow Angels

I bought this because it had some of my favorite singer/songwriter performers on it and because it was cheap. When I first listened to it I was disappointed. I did not find it very exciting or vibrant. However, as I've had the christmas music on random play for the last couple of weeks I repeatedly noticed a track and thought "That's nice" or "That's interesting" and checked to see what was playing (usually the monitor had gone to the screen saver so I had to tickle it to wake it back up) and found it was one of the tracks on this recording. So I spent some time this morning just listening to this single CD and I found I really do enjoy it. The arrangements are generally sparse, half the songs have nothing but vocals and guitar (Joan Osborne's "Children Go Where I Send Thee" is accapella except for some finger snaps). Some of the vocalising is not as polished as most of the other recordings I've recommended, but I enjoy this accoustic/folk style of music and these performers are some of the best around. I hope you'll give this one a try as it is not one that most people are likely to have run across. And besides, it's cheap!

Posted by JoKeR at December 07, 2005 12:32 PM | TrackBack
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