June 04, 2003
50th Anniversary Dinner

I have scanned in the pictures from the surprise dinner we gave for Mom and Dad. I have made a page with thumbnail images of each picture which link to larger images of the selected image.

Currently, the thumbnails include a label that it was created with a tool I used to create the small images. I may play with recreating the thumbnails without the labels, either by registering for the program or finding another program. Until then, deal with it.

Note that the pictures appear to have been made from three rolls of film with 25, 25, and 14 pictures on them for a total of 64 pictures. I have named the pictures (including noting the names on the backs of the pictures) based on which roll of film it came from (A, B, or C) and its sequence on the film (I am assuming that I received the pictures in the order in which they appear on the film). This will give us a reference point if anyone wants to discuss which pictures we want enlargements of or whatever.

The pictures are each approximately 100kb in size, some a little bigger, some a little smaller. I hope most of you have access to a fast enough connection to be able to view these without too much waiting for the pictures to download.

You can leave comments here or email me or others in the family or call if you want to have prints of particular pictures or have suggestions for putting together an album for Mom & Dad. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the deal with the photographer is. So far we have two standard size prints of each image. More can be made as necessary.

Posted by JoKeR at June 04, 2003 09:49 PM | TrackBack