Well, I haven't been posting much lately, have I? I've been busy with some different things, but I don't have a good excuse other than just procrastination.
I'm still looking for work. Job leads previously mentioned have not panned out. I've got a couple of new leads which I am pursuing. I've been told to expect a call early this week to set up an interview with a major corporation headquartered here in town.
I've been losing weight! I started trying to lose weight a little over a year ago and lost 20 pounds in a few months, but then lost and regained the next five pounds a few times until a little over a month ago. At that time I got to feeling better and have now started working out regularly as well as watching what I eat more carefully. I've already lost an additional 10 pounds for a total of 30! The treadmill workouts have also noticably improved my ability to get where I'm going without getting short of breath. I've watched all of the episodes of "I'll Fly Away" while I've been walking on the treadmill and have now started watching "Nicolas Nickleby" again. Once I'm finished with that I'll probably start working my way through my wife's collection of Xena tapes.
The whole family is now coming down with or getting over a cold. No fun.
The Bush administration is continuing to run the country into the ground, show callous disregard for everyone but the wealthy, lie about what they intend, and most people seem to think this is all a good thing. I cannot understand why people aren't demonstrating in the street every day about these demagogues.
The PC(USA) General Assembly met this past week and I haven't heard about much that was significant. They debated GLBT ordination again and decided to continue waiting for the report on the task force for peace, unity, and purity which was appointed last year to try to find a way to address some of the issues which have been dividing the church.
I'll see if I can't do better at keeping something happening here.
Hey there!
We missed you this weekend at the SERFA meeting since it was in Hotlanta. Just wanted to post to make sure your e-mail had not changed for that listed on the listserve. Send me a note.
South Eastern Regional Folk Alliance listmom