December 01, 2005
Oy to the World

Oy to the World by the Klezmonauts is a funny collection of songs sung in a klezmer style. It has songs about both Hannukkah and Christmas (what? you need a link for that?) related topics such as Santa Claus. I don't know that I consider it one of the best Christmas/holiday recordings ever, but it is so very different from any other Christmas recording I've heard that I thought it deserved a mention. What I don't understand is that Amazon lists it as only being available as "new and used" as a collectible, when it is available from the Klezmonauts themselves at the Oy to the World website refereced above. It doesn't seem to list the price, but when I stepped through the buying process (stopping short of actually buying) they offer them for about $15 apiece (actually, their default order is three copies, but it looks like you can adjust the quantity). I wonder why they aren't listing it with Amazon? In any event, this is a very different kind of Christmas/holiday recording and sure to get a laugh from most anyone.

Posted by JoKeR at December 01, 2005 11:13 PM | TrackBack
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